taiji industry announced the 2021 financial results, edri​ exceeded 20 billion yuan in revenue in 20-j9九游会网址

 taiji industry announced the 2021 financial results, edri​ exceeded 20 billion yuan in revenue in 20-j9九游会网址

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taiji industry announced the 2021 financial results, edri​ exceeded 20 billion yuan in revenue in 2021

source: 本站 date issued: 2022-04-27 page view: 2000

on april 27, 2022, taiji industrial (stock code: 600667) announced audited financial results for 2021. edri exceeded 20 billion yuan in revenue in 2021, an increase of 46.96% year on year, the total profit of 901 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 14.57%.

